Running Poem!

Cross Country
The season is coming to an end, but how?
What am I going to do now?
The memories will soon flow back into my mind.
All of my teammates being so kind.

Running across all of the trails,
I knew I would never fail.
Running in the hot and cold,
“Run hard,” is what I was told.

I can’t believe it’s almost done,
I would always have so much fun.
Now I have nothing to do,
Except indoor track, which will make me feel blue.

4 thoughts on “Running Poem!

  1. Hi Eleanor! I love this poem, I’m so sad that cross country is about to end too. Indoor track is definitely not my favorite either!

  2. Hi Eleanor. This is a very nice poem. I like how creative you were and how well you actually told a story. Good job.

  3. Hello Eleanor,
    G’day from Sydney, Australia!
    I am Mrs Pinto, one of the guest commenters for the #STUBC.
    Well done on your poem. You tell a good story in verse which is actually not a very easy thing to do.
    I read in your ‘about me’ page that you were gearing up for a 10 km run. How did you fare with that? Is it/was it the first time that you did this distance? What kind of training did you have to do?
    A million years ago (well not really) when I was in school I used to run too – sprints. I did not have the stamina for long distance. 🙂
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Mrs Pinto

    1. Hello Mrs. Pinto! It was my first time running 6.2 miles and I really enjoyed it. I got snacks, and ran with my friend. I trained over the summer, and at cross country practice. It’s so cool that you ran too, I’m finding that many others like it as well.

      Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

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