All posts by 25eleanor

Are You Excited for the Holidays?

I’m super excited for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. On Christmas Eve, I always open one present, and so does the rest of my family. I can never fall asleep, and neither can my sister. We wake up super early with only two hours of sleep. Our parents always wake up too late, and we can never hold our excitement. We usually open stockings, presents, and have a big breakfast! I usually bake cookies, and maybe a cake with huge mugs of steaming hot chocolate. I love the holidays. What do you celebrate, and what are your traditions?

Emoji Story Prompt

Once upon a time, there was a gray and white poodle named Stella. She was only a puppy so she needed to be trained. I was super excited to take her to the park for her first time, it was going to be great! We got to the park, and there were a lot more dogs than I thought. I started to throw a tennis ball when she runs away. I start to get nervous, and I chase after her. She starts going into a lake where there are kids around. Someone in a canoe goes after her and takes her. What a day!

This was for SBC this week for emojis! I used an emoji generator, and I made this story. Hope you like it.


This week for the SBC, is music. I used to play the violin, but I didn’t really enjoy it. I enjoyed it at the moment, and how after a lot of practice, I got pretty good at it. It amazed me how I made really squeaky sounds to nice, soft sounds. Now, I’m really interested in listening to music. Do you like listening to music, or playing it?

Running Poem!

Cross Country
The season is coming to an end, but how?
What am I going to do now?
The memories will soon flow back into my mind.
All of my teammates being so kind.

Running across all of the trails,
I knew I would never fail.
Running in the hot and cold,
“Run hard,” is what I was told.

I can’t believe it’s almost done,
I would always have so much fun.
Now I have nothing to do,
Except indoor track, which will make me feel blue.

Visiting Other Blogs!

I visited three blogs, Caroline’s Blog, Acadia’s Blog, and Ryan’s Blog. I chose these blogs because Caroline and Acadia had the same interests as me, and I really like Ryan’s commenting guidelines.

On Caroline’s blog I wrote, “Hi Caroline! My name is Eleanor, and I noticed your blog because of how I saw you liked animals. Me too!
Also, I absolutely love your bucket list, as we share the same interests. I also want to help animals, and travel to Paris one day!
Your avatar is pretty cool too! I love how your eyes show your imagination. If your interested, come visit my blog!”

On Acadia’s blog I commented, “Hello Acadia! I noticed your blog, and how you are interested in the same common interests as me. I love running, and hopefully you were successful with that 8 minute mile!
Also, I have a goal for getting A pluses in all my classes. That would be an achievement.
Check out my blog! Thanks!”

Lastly, on Ryan’s blog I said, “Hello Ryan! I like your commenting guidelines, they are similar to mine! I really like the 3rd comment, I should add it to mine. Visit my blog and post a comment, I have my guidelines on there, too!”