Are You Excited for the Holidays?

I’m super excited for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. On Christmas Eve, I always open one present, and so does the rest of my family. I can never fall asleep, and neither can my sister. We wake up super early with only two hours of sleep. Our parents always wake up too late, and we can never hold our excitement. We usually open stockings, presents, and have a big breakfast! I usually bake cookies, and maybe a cake with huge mugs of steaming hot chocolate. I love the holidays. What do you celebrate, and what are your traditions?

2 thoughts on “Are You Excited for the Holidays?

  1. My Christmas tradition is I wake up really early to my papa, dad, mom, and siblings waiting for me to finally wake up. We always eat cookies and candy from our stockings for breakfast. Also we go to our grandmother’s house and open our presents there and eat lunch and then go to our Gammy’s house and eat dinner there.
    ❤️ Ryan

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